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Anthriscus cerefolium (Chervil) Herb Plant


Some Herbs may be too tall for our standard packaging and will be trimmed to fit. This will not be detrimental to the plant but will mean that these herbs will flower later in the year.

The Blister packs used to protect our beautiful herbs during transit are made from 100% recycled plastic and can be recycled kerbside.

Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) Herb in 9cm Pot

Anthriscus cerefolium, or Chervil is known as one of the 'fines herbes' with a delicate aniseed flavour. SOmetimes it is also called garden chervil or French Parsley although it is originally from Asia, Europe and North Africa and has been grown as a culinary herb for centuries. Chervil needs a shady moist position, and prefers light rich soils. It will happily grow in a container in semi-shade, although will require midday shade. The plant itself has fine, fern-like delicate leaves, and can produce a large plant (1-2ft) when fully grown. Tiny white flowers appear in Summer.

Herb Usage

Used in all manner of dishes, the leaves are particularly complementary to eggs, potatoes and fish. Due to the delicate nature of the herb, it is best added at the end of cooking, and when used in salads, it lifts a simple green salad to new heights, and is particularly pretty as a garnish.

Storing Chervil is only recommended if the leaves are frozen immediately after picking, as this locks in the subtle flavours.

Buy Chervil Online

Our potted Chervil herb plants are generally available to buy online between March and September



Anthriscus cerefolium (Chervil) Herb Plant
Aspect Site Partial shade/Shade
Soil Type Moisture retentive soil
Flower Colour White
Height 60cm
Spread 90cm
Latin Name Anthriscus cerefolium
Hardiness RHS rating H4 - Hardy average winter
Culinary Vegetarian/Vegan
Scented None
Medicinal/Cosmetic Compresses/Poultice
Flowering/Harvest/Interest Summer
Special Features None
Type of Garden Herb