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Echinacea ' Artisan Soft Orange' (Cone Flower 'Artisan Soft Orange')Herb Plant


Some Herbs may be too tall for our standard packaging and will be trimmed to fit. This will not be detrimental to the plant but will mean that these herbs will flower later in the year.

The Blister packs used to protect our beautiful herbs during transit are made from 100% recycled plastic and can be recycled kerbside.

Cone Flower ' Artisan Soft Orange'(Echinacea 'Soft Orange')Herb in 1 litre Pot

Echinacea 'Artisan Soft Orange' is a perennial of upright growth it is slightly shorter than the purple versions of the species at approx 1m in height . A soft red to orange coloured variety of the much loved “Coneflower”. With large, with daisy-like flowers around a burnished yellow orange cone.  As with all Echinacea it is native to North America it is happy in full-sun to part shade. Although it takes a few years to establish it is very hardy and tolerant of drier soil conditions. 

The Cone Flower is very attractive to butterflies and bees and makes an extremely attractive cut flower. It is a beautiful perennial plant and is perfect for the late summer flower border, prairie style planting or the dry garden. It is drought tolerant, although water in the first year until established and prefers full sun and a free-draining hummus rich soil. If you cut back the stems as the flowers fade it can encourage a second flush of flowers or if you prefer they can be left in place as they can look attractive as dried seed heads.

Herb Usage

Echinacea purpurea the species to which this variety is related is native to North America and has long been used by native Americans as wound-herbs. It more recently can be found in herbal medicine as the extract of which is said to ward off the common cold and flu by boosting the immune system. It is said to have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. However this hybrid has been bred purely for its floral display.

Buy Echinacea 'Artisan Soft Orange' Online

Our potted Echinacea 'Artisan Soft Orange' are generally available to buy online between May and September.




Echinacea ' Artisan Soft Orange' (Cone Flower 'Artisan Soft Orange')Herb Plant
Aspect/Site Full sun
Soil Type Free draining soil
Flower Colour Red
Height 100cm
Spread 50cm
Latin Name Echinacea 'Artisan Soft Ombre'
Hardiness RHS rating H7 - Very hardy
Culinary None
Scented Flowers
Medicinal/Cosmetic Tincture
Flowering/Harvest/Interest Summer
Special Features Pollinator Friendly
Type of Garden Prairie