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Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven' (Jacob's Ladder 'Stairway to Heaven') Herb Plant


Some Herbs may be too tall for our standard packaging and will be trimmed to fit. This will not be detrimental to the plant but will mean that these herbs will flower later in the year.

The Blister packs used to protect our beautiful herbs during transit are made from 100% recycled plastic and can be recycled kerbside.

Jacobs Ladder 'Stairway to heaven' (Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven') Herb Plant 1 litre Pot

Jacobs ladder Stairway to Heaven is an attractive perennial. It has ferny leaves, each mid green leaf is edged in white and pink during the spring beneath stems bearing clusters of blue/white flowers.  It is ideal for edging.   Cut back after flowering to enable a second flush of blooms.  Flowers April - May. 

Herb Usage

In days gone by was used in herbal medicine for its astringent and expectorant qualities; an infusion of the root being considered useful in coughs, colds, and bronchial and lung complaints, producing copious perspiration. 

Buy Jacobs Ladder 'Stairway to Heaven' Online

Our Jacobs Ladder 'Stairway to heaven' potted herb plants are generally available to buy online between March and September.

Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven' (Jacob's Ladder 'Stairway to Heaven') Herb Plant
Aspect/Site Partial shade
Soil Type Moist well drained soil
Flower Colour White
Height 40cm
Spread 45cm
Latin Name Polemonium reptans 'Jacob's Ladder'
Hardiness RHS rating H4 - Hardy average winter
Culinary None
Scented None
Medicinal/Cosmetic Herbal medicine
Flowering/Harvest/Interest Summer
Special Features Attractive Foliage
Type of Garden Cottage/Informal