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Sempervivum tectorum (Houseleek)Herb Plant


Some Herbs may be too tall for our standard packaging and will be trimmed to fit. This will not be detrimental to the plant but will mean that these herbs will flower later in the year.

The Blister packs used to protect our beautiful herbs during transit are made from 100% recycled plastic and can be recycled kerbside.

Houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum)Herb in 9cm Pot 

Houseleeks, or Sempervivum tectorum are a group of low-growing succulent plants that have a variety of common names, e.g. Liveforever, Hen and Chicks, Common Houseleek and St Patricks cabbage.

Originating from the area around the Mediterannean and Northern Africa, this adaptable herb is so successful due to their ability to store water in their thick leaves, and this allows them to live on sunny rocks and stony places in mountain, coastal and alpine belts.This is a most useful as well as effective plant for an old wall, or to cover the high part of a rock-garden; as it can be absolutely relied upon to withstand drought.

As an evergreen, this pretty plant grows up to 5cm tall, and after a few years, will produce pink star-shaped flowers on long-stems during the summer. Houseleeks will grow in stony, well-drained soil or rocky crevices, and prefers sun, but will grow in shade. Once established, Houseleeks will produce off-sets which can be used to propagate new plant colonies, and although Sempervivum tectorum will spread happily, it is not invasive.

Herb Usage

The plant has been traditionally thought to protect against thunderstorms, and was often found growing on house roofs since Roman times for this reason.  Houseleeks' leaves are harvested as needed, as the juice from the broken leaves can be applied externally to soothe insect bites, stings and burns.

Buy Houseleeks Online

Our potted Houseleeks herb plants are generally available to buy online between March and September.

Sempervivum tectorum (Houseleek)Herb Plant
Aspect/Site Full sun
Soil Type Free draining soil
Flower Colour Pink
Height 15cm
Spread 70cm
Latin Name Sempervivum tectorum
Hardiness RHS rating H5 - Hardy - cold winter
Culinary Salads
Scented None
Medicinal/Cosmetic Compresses/Poultice
Flowering/Harvest/Interest Summer
Special Features None
Type of Garden Rockery/Alpine